Quale baule da tetto è più adatto alla mia vettura?

Tutti i bauli da tetto LEVUP sono adatti a qualsiasi tipo di veicolo. Nella scelta del modello si tenga presente di non compromettere la visibilità del conducente e l’apertura del portellone posteriore.

Let our configurator help you check the proportions and dimensions of the trunk you have chosen!

Ho bisogno di trapano o altri strumenti per il montaggio del baule da tetto?

No tools or equipment. LEVUP roof boxes are already assembled and can be mounted in a few minutes, just install them using the included fixing system.

I Bauli da tetto sono compatibili con tutte le tipologie di barre presenti sul mercato?

I Baili da tetto LEVUP hanno al loro interno un kit di fissaggio standard composto da 2 diversi tipi di cavallotti a U per barre che variano da 60mm a 90mm.
This kit covers the majority of bars on the market. The quick-release system covers bars with a maximum width of 85 mm, min 25 mm.

Can Levup trunks also be used for going to the mountains in winter? (snow load and temperature changes)

All LEVUP trunks are produced with technically advanced materials, certified according to the most stringent regulations which include, among other things, material conditioning tests and dynamic tests carried out at low temperatures.
Therefore the same trunk can be used both for the sea and the mountains.

Is there a different speed limit for vehicles with a roof box?

As manufacturers, we recommend that you respect the speed limits in force in the country of use or stay within 130 km/h. In any case, we recommend that you pay attention and reduce your speed near curves, at the exit of tunnels and in strong winds.

Can I load a stroller?

Certainly yes.

Does the roof box affect driving comfort?

No, on the contrary, the aerodynamic shapes will cancel out the turbulence produced by the bars alone.

Will I notice a change in fuel consumption?

The tapered shapes of the LEVUP roof boxes have been designed to have minimal impact.
Consumption may vary depending on loaded weight and driving conditions.

Dove sono costruiti i Bauli da tetto LEVUP? Da dove proviene il materiale utilizzato?

I bauli LEVUP sono prodotti e assemblati in Italia, a Ferrara e tutti i materiali e componenti provengono da produttori certificati italiani.